
Paramahamsa Nithyananda is a global leader in the science of enlightenment. Nithyananda is revered as a living avatar (divine incarnation) by millions worldwide. He is the most-watched spiritual teacher on YouTube.com with more than 14 million views, and the author of more than 300 books published in 27 global languages. Nithyananda has been named among the world’s top 100 most spiritually influential personalities of 2012 by renowned esoteric magazine ‘Mind Body Spirit’ from Watkins.

A spiritual genius with an enlightened insight into everything from management to meditation, from relationships to religion, and from success to spirituality, Nithyananda brings to us a wealth of practical wisdom, meditation techniques, kriyas and tools for lasting inner transformation. A trained yogi, a powerful spiritual healer and a siddha, Paramahamsa Nithyananda is working actively with scientists and researchers worldwide to decode the mystical yogic sciences of the East, including levitation, teleportation and manifestation (materialization).

When Paramahamsa Nithyananda ascends the traditional seat of teaching (Dhyanapeeta Mahasamsthana Avathumvara Simhasana) every morning and starts his teaching sessions (satsang), thousands of people from over 30 countries participate live via 2-way video conferencing. Also, people from 150 countries watch the streaming of recorded videos every day on Nithyananda.tv